Saturday, March 21, 2015

New Trading Updates And My New Username (Also Bunny Party And New Peck Greeting)

Hey Jammers!! Yesterday Animal Jam updated the trading system a little to help people who are trading their rare or diamond item.

Now there's this sign when you press "Yes" on the trade.

Also, I changed my username. :P
And yeah, your probably thinking, AnimalJam has opened for 5 years so how did you get that name?!
And here's the answer...
It's not actually flowers, it's only f1owers
If you look carefully, there is the number one instead of the letter L as the second letter.

Another cool thing, the bunny party is in a different language.
I'm not sure what language/flag that is, but it's cool.

ALSO, one last thing. When you make a new account, it's different. Now it's Peck who greets you instead of Liza. Also, there's a crowd. See...

It's pretty cool.

So that's it for now.

-- f1owers --

(with a one as second letter, not L)

Guess that's gonna be my new post signature now.

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